An action-platformer

Role: Level Designer

Bardo is a single-player platformer adventure game where you glide and jump through a realm of floating islands.

Team: 25

8 weeks

UE 5

Project Role:

Level Designer

  • Whitebox in UE5

  • Game research and sketching

  • Gliding sections

  • Platforming sections

  • Collab with artists

  • QA testing and iteration

  • Design documentation



Ranged beam

In this game you glide through the world of Bardo by using its magical winds, platform from rock to rock while evading dangers and collect Wisps that give you the power to shoot projectiles. By shooting crystals in the world you open Wind Tunnels and paths for yourself.

Bardo is about falling with style down dangerous tunnels, dodging rocks and floating enemies.


About Bardo

Project deliverables

In the ideation phase I concepted many different gameplay beats and level layouts on pen and paper, based on inspiration from game research.

I used these sketches to communicate ideas to my teammates and align our visions.


Conducted internal and external playtests with clear questions and goals to find out if:

  • the level facilitates the core gameplay well

  • reaches the desired player experience

  • achieves a satisfying pacing

After playtests feedback was documented and organized into actionable points with priorities.

Feedback priorities

Gym Level

Set up a gym level to measure the player metrics of jumping and gliding and figure out the most desirable distances.

Workflow breakdown


Using the proper metrics I blocked out different gliding and platforming challenges then combined them into different layouts to experiment with pacing and difficulty scaling.


Whitebox prototypes

  • Sketched and blocked out different gliding and platforming sections in Unreal Engine that explore gameplay ideas and facilitate the core gameplay loop

  • Combined gameplay beats in different orders to create smooth pacing and a satisfying difficulty curve

  • Maintained regular communication with the art team about the goals of the environment and oversaw setdressing on the levels to make sure the design intent is kept up.

Gliding section prototype

Blocked out platforming sections using the proper player metrics from the Gym level. These served to:

  • Onboard the player with the base platforming mechanics: jump, double jump, ranged attack

  • Provide a slower, more grounded experience between intense gliding gameplay beats

  • Engage the player with jumping challenges

  • Facilitate exploration and reward the player’s curiosity

Blocked out gliding sections in Unreal using basic assets and later placeholder assets provided by the artists, such as rocks and platforms. These sections served to:

  • Onboard the player with the main mechanics

  • Challenge the player by requiring focus and precision

  • Provide an experience of speed and tension

  • Escalate in difficulty in a smooth and rewarding way and keep the player engaged with new gameplay mechanics

Gliding Sections

Platforming sections

Platforming section prototype

Gliding section in final build

Gliding section layout sketch

Platforming section in final build

Jump+Glide onboarding section sketch

Limited playtime and hard-to-learn mechanics required good tutorials to be in place. For this I:

  • Set up tutorial sections with prompt placements to onboard the player with every mechanic and gamepad control

  • Structured the pacing of level around the tutorials to avoid overwhelming the player

  • Communicated with concept artists and programmers to ensure clarity and readability in the visual prompts

Tutorial sections

Platforming section in final build

Jump+Glide onboarding section sketch


As the only level designer I needed to make sure that the current intent and state of the level is communicated to each teammate it concerns. For this I used:

  • Documentation and sketches

  • Posted summaries

  • Meetings

Communicate Design Intent

To ensure smooth collaboration between level design, environment art, 3Cs design and programming efficient, clear communication needed to be kept up. Understanding the perspectives and intent of these other teammates was vital for success.

Work with other disciplines

Test and validate

One of the most important tasks I had to take on was conducting most of the playtesting, turning that feedback into usable data and communicating those to the corresponding department in the team.



We conducted the production according to Agile principles and held the following rituals:

  • 2-week Sprints with a clear goal

  • Sprint planning with tasks that lead to that goal

  • Build reviews to assess the state of the latest build

  • Sprint reviews and retrospectives to reflect on what we are doing well and what we need to change

Task tracking: Codecks

We used the software Codecks to track our development progress, including:

  • Tracking time individually for tasks created in Sprint planning

  • Counting velocity and drawing Burndown Charts to track the progress of the entire team

  • Additionally, this data helped us adjust our workload and improve our planning in the consecutive Sprints.

Team Practices

Peer reviews

To be able to work well with each other teammate and maintain a healthy professional relationship and environment we held Peer review sessions to give and receive feedback on:

  • Our collaborative practices and what we might lack as a teammate

  • Our professional attitude and adherence to the team contract

  • The quality of our work

After these sessions each of us reflected on our feedback and formed action points for what qualities we need to improve in.

Project reflection


This 8-week period working in a team has been a great learning experience in collaboration with other disciplines. I found out a tremendous amount about the perspectives, goals and workflow of environment artists and programmers while working close to them on the level.

After this project I feel like my communication skills improved a lot and I am able to solve many challenges that arise with cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Building natural terrain

Creating a level with natural terrain instead of man-made structures has also been a great opportunity to learn. From level concepting until hand-placing the rock assets I needed to adopt a new approach and a new workflow.


Walls of Ganath

